The pharmacy transaction, whether it is a sale or an acquisition, is governed by specific pharmaceutical legislation. For pharmacy-owners, the expertise of a professional is necessary to be sure to fix a retail price that corresponds to the true value of the property and to undertake the sale in accordance with the pharmaceutical legislation in force. For pharmacists who are purchasers, the support and expertise of a professional offers a certain guarantee of a successful transaction, while minimizing the risks of making an unprofitable investment. With ROD Pharmacies, discover the specifics of selling and buying a pharmacy.


Disposal Of A Pharmacy

The sale of a pharmacy remains a complicated operation due to the strict pharmaceutical legislation that governs it. Contrary to a residential property, a pharmacy constitutes a business because it has a clientele, a right to a commercial lease, furniture and equipment. When a pharmacy is sold, the price of the property is therefore determined on the basis of two distinct elements: the value of the real estate assets on the one hand and the value of the business or operation on the other. 


Since the practice of the profession of pharmacist is subject to an order, the pharmacy must respect a set of obligations. The pharmacist who carries out commercial acts must have the status of a trader and comply with the obligations of the Commercial Code, such as registration in the Trade and Companies Register of the competent court. He or she is required to keep a trade book, draw up an annual balance sheet and inventory and comply with the provisions of the Commercial Code for his or her pharmaceutical operations.

Terms And Conditions Of Disposal

The cession of a pharmacy can be done free of charge or in return for payment. The cession must be made under the suspensive condition of the registration of a prior declaration of operation made to the competent council of the order of pharmacies by the acquiring pharmacist. The signature of the cession will be done before the declaration of exploitation but the declaration will only be registered under certain conditions: the applicant will have to fulfil the legal conditions authorizing him to exercise the activity of a pharmacy and to operate a dispensary. The acquisition of the right of use is fixed from the date on which the declaration of operation is registered.  

Formalities Of Transfer

Any agreement relating to the ownership of a pharmacy dispensary must necessarily be written and both parties must have the capacity to conclude this type of agreement. Other conditions must also be met: the seller must be a pharmacist and have the capacity to transfer the pharmacy it owns. As for the purchaser, he must provide proof of the diploma required to practice the profession of the pharmacist and meet various conditions imposed by the pharmaceutical legislation if we mention only the obligation to have a good physical capacity (absence of infirmity or pathological state). 

Acquisition Of A Pharmacy

In order to identify the strengths and areas for improvement in the pharmacy.  Location remains a key criteria to consider when selecting a pharmacy site as it affects the value and profitability of the operation. The analysis of these different aspects will give an idea of the profitability of the business you wish to exploit. An analysis of the accounting documents of the coveted pharmacy is also essential to assess its financial situation. ROD Pharmacies is at your disposal to help you identify pharmacy offers that present real opportunities and help you make the best choice for your investment.

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Since the development space is one of the most exciting investment ecosystems within commercial real estate, and our team represents dozens of investors, developers and other committed players, we would be thrilled to tell you more about our investment strategies and client proposals.

Bastion Tower (level 11-12)
5, Place du Champ de Mars
1050 Brussels, Belgium

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